Margaret Cavendish Society Sponsored Sessions at the RSA this Week!

Renaissance Society of America, 21-23 March 2024

The Margaret Cavendish Society is sponsoring four sessions at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois:

Rethinking Political Commitments in the Cavendish Circle

Margaret Cavendish and Skeptical Philosophies

Listening and Seeing in Cavendish Studies

Race and Disability in Cavendish Studies

​For more information on the RSA:  

CFP: Imaginary Communities: Reading, Writing, and Translating Early Modern Women’s Fiction

Imaginary Communities: Reading, Writing and Translating Early Modern Women’s Fiction

University of Huelva, Spain, 17-18 October, 2024

Traditional approaches to the ‘origins of the novel’ question in the English context have often overlooked the role played by women’s contribution to the development of the genre. Minor works, anonymous texts, fiction signed by women, as well as those works bearing a female pseudonym, were usually considered second-rate and were rarely included—with only a few exceptions—in canonical histories of the novel. A female history of the novel genre cannot be written in isolation from other women novelists across Europe, who no doubt exerted an enormous influence on the English novel market, and on women novelists in particular. This seminar proposes a discussion of women’s printed fiction during the seventeenth century from a pan-European perspective to help us situate the early days of the novel in their true transnational context. The fictional works translated into English from different European tongues, the growing popularity of women’s fiction among readers, as well as the cross-influences between English and non-English novels allegedly authored by women, or their different markets—accounting for the influence that women printers and booksellers played in the publication and dissemination of fiction—will also be of our concern. It is our contention that it is possible to read the complex network of readers, writers and other agents of the novel market as belonging to an active, though imaginary, community contributing to the development of the novel form. We would like to assess the relevance that this growing female contribution had in the evolution of the genre.

We invite 20-minute papers which discuss crosscurrents or influences among texts authored by European women, as well as about biographical and/or cultural relationships at work between women writers and intellectuals in the period of study. We aim to discuss whether we can trace a continuum in European women’s fiction which explains transitions of genre/gender and literary culture, from the perspective of transculturality, drawing on all literary sources as fields of cross-media influences. We will consider papers about English women’s native fiction, like Aphra Behn, Delarivier Manley, Mary Pix, as well as about translations and adaptations of continental women’s works printed in England, as the examples of Marie de Lafayette, Mlle de la Roche Guilhem, Madeleine de Scudéry, or María de Zayas, among others, make clear.

Some of the suggested topics are the following:

*Women’s contribution to the rise and development of fiction in English

*French nouvelles and English novels: mutual allegiances and liaisons

*Spanish novelas, the picaresque and the world of roguery

*Letter exchanges: the early novel and epistolarity

*Assessing gallantry across borders: from French to English

*Towards a transnational theory of the novel

*Political diatribes and religious debates in early prose fiction by women

*Intersections of gender and genre across national borders

 *Translation, revision and adaptation in the seventeenth-century novel: translations of women’s texts, female translators of works by men

*Female histories of the book: printing, publishing and bookselling across national borders

 *Popularity, canonicity, and the new female readership for the novel: reality or wishful thinking?

*Romancing the novel and novelizing the romance

*Framed-nouvelles and female narrators

*Women’s worlds in historical fictions

*The worlds of domesticity: wives, daughters, she-workers, servants

Keynote speakers:

Dr Erin Keating, University of Manitoba

Dr Mary Helen McMurran, Western University

Dr Leah Orr, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Please, send your titles and 150-word abstracts to (cc/ by  15 April, 2024.

Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación

Secretaría General de Investigación e Innovación

CFP: Women’s Writing and Natural Philosophy Conference

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for our conference Writing the World: Early Modern Women, Natural Philosophy and Medicine, on Thursday 11th July and Friday 12th July 2024 at the University of York.

How do early modern women writers think with, through and about natural philosophy and medicine in their writing? How do the genres and forms they choose to write in affect their scientific thoughts, ideas and conclusions? What is the value of fiction or literature to natural philosophy and medicine? What role does gender play in natural philosophical or medical discourse and debates? This two-day conference seeks to explore the rich connections and interactions between natural philosophy and medicine, and early modern women’s writing across a range of genres and forms. Keynote speakers include Professor Danielle Clarke (UCD) and Dr Julia Martins (Independent). The conference is kindly supported by the University of York’s Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies (CREMS) and British Society for Literature and Science (BSLS).

We invite proposals for 20-minute papers on women’s writing, natural philosophy, and medicine in the early modern period (broadly conceived). Topics may include but aren’t limited to:

·       How women engaged with natural philosophy/medicine across a range of forms or genres e.g. receipt/recipe books, poetry, diaries, letters, drama, prose etc.

·       Alchemy and the occult.

·       Natural history, including botany, geology and mineralogy.

·       Natural theology.

·       Acoustics, music, and sound.

·       Interconnections between women’s writing, natural philosophy and the wider intellectual culture.

Please send a title, 250-word abstract and 100-word biography to by 21st March 2024. Papers by PGR and ECR are encouraged. We will let participants know if travel bursaries are available in the future. For more information see 

Cavendish Collective: Call For Papers

The Cavendish Collective is excited to host our second annual virtual workshop! Our goal is to promote collaboration among researchers investigating the philosophical writings of Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673).

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2024
Event Date: June 15, 2024

We invite submissions from researchers at any career stage about any area of Cavendish’s philosophical writings. We ask that interested participants submit either abstracts of around 150-300 words or papers of around 2800-3000 words for review. Please use the form linked above to share your submission before the deadline.

Please click here to view the full call for papers.

For more Information:

Biennial Margaret Cavendish Society Conference 2024

We are happy to announce that the Margaret Cavendish Society Conference will be held in Seville, Spain!

12-13 December, 2024 

The conference will be hosted by Sergio Marín Conejo at The University of Seville

We will be updating the new website with more information as it becomes available, and forwarding a Call for Papers very soon!

For questions, or more information:


Welcome to the new International Margaret Cavendish Society Website!

The website is still under development, but we welcome comments and suggestions for how to improve the site. One of our goals is to update the membership directory. We need your help to ensure out membership information is current. Please be sure to update your membership information under “Membership”

We also welcome comments, suggestions, and updates on research projects, new book publications, conferences and seminars.